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Atlanta Council Conventions are weekend programs designed with a specific theme in mind. During the conventions, teens do BBYO-related activities focused around the AZA (male chapters) and BBG (female chapters) programs and traditions. Each convention is staffed with volunteer adult advisors and MJCCA Teen Department staff. Atlanta Council BBYO has five conventions during our programming year.

Leadership Training Institute (LTI): 

A weekend for chapter board members and general members to learn about being a leader and gain leaderships skills. The weekend will include leadership workshops, sisterhood and brotherhood programs, chapter bonding time, and training for chapter positions. LTI is held in August at an overnight camp facility and is open to 10-12th graders.

New Member Convention (NMC):

A convention geared specifically for new members of BBYO. At NMC, new BBG Members in Training (MITs) and new AZA Alephs in Training (AITs) receive comprehensive information about BBYO and how it operates. Convention sessions focus on every aspect of AZA and BBG, including BBYO history, philosophy and terminology, rituals and traditions, songs, structures, and who's who among the youth leadership and the staff. The program is run by the Council Moreh and Morah (Membership Vice-Presidents). NMC is held in the fall at an overnight camp facility and is open to all 9th graders and steering committee members.



This weekend, focused on Judaism, social action, and community service; is open to all members who are interested in an opportunity to further connect to Judaism, learn how to be an advocate for Israel, get involved in their community, and have fun with their BBYO friends. Kallah is held in March and is open to all 9-12th graders.


Southern Region Convention (SRC): 

The MOST popular convention of the year! A long standing Southern Region tradition, SRC brings together hundreds of teens from all over Georgia and South Carolina for a weekend filled with friends from BBYO summer experiences, camp, and last year's SRC. Programming includes chapter spirit competitions, fun peer-developed programming, and brotherhood and sisterhood separates. SRC is held in November at Rock Eagle and is open to 9-12th graders.


Atlanta Council Spring Convention (ACSC):

 A weekend comprised of programming from the five and six folds. Highlights of the weekend include the annual senior life ceremony, council board elections, and brotherhood and sisterhood separates. ACSC takes place in the spring at an overnight camp facility and is open to all 9-12th graders.


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